The Artistic Career
The first works of Lauro Lessio date back to the early sixties.
In 1968, towards the end of the peak period of the students’ uprising,
he visits Paris and meets for the first time in the city’s museums
the works of the greatest artists of 1900.
A first naturalistic phase of his art is soon replaced by another phase
characterized by the insurgence of plastic and formal interests
influenced by the study of gestalt theory.
Aldo Passoni in particular has focused his critical analysis of this phase of Lessio’s work, and has
signaled the work of the artist in the Bolaffi art catalougue.
Since the beginning of the ‘70s and for the entire decade, the
esthetical interest of Lessio turns towards modern architecture,
working the image itself into its deconstructive aspects.
Subsequently, the deconstructive inquiry evolves, and addresses
the skyline dilated in its temporal aspects – thin dotted white line
that continuously moves in the events of life, giving rise to the cycle
“Uncontaminated Lawn” (Prato incontaminato).
Lessio’s work in 2003 was principally based on formal deconstruction, paired
with a lyrical use of colour, and aided by a usage of sign that, in the
overall pictorial surface, was there to give precision and at the same time
challenge the whole.
From early 2004 to date, Lessio’s work is more focused on some specific
themes. The attention concentrates on historical-architectural images.
They form the starting point of a process that decomposes the project they
represent into environmental, raw, data. The process is characterized by
multiple interventions, using natural and artificial lawns, neon light in many
colors, wooden structures, photographic techniques, and in some cases
light beams acting as chromatic source in space, focalizing the whole
work into a well defined spot. |
Summary of Artistic Biography
Lessio is present in the artistic world from the late ‘60s.
Personal Exhibitions:
- Galleria “Il Traghetto 2” Venezia
- Galleria “Giorgi” Firenze
- Galleria “Peccolo” Livorno
- Studio “Tiziano” Mantova
- Galleria “Christian Stein” Torino
- Centro “S. Fedele” Milano
- Sala comunale d’arte Alessandria
- Galleria “Artecentro” Milano
- Galleria “Arteincornice” Torino
- Spazio espositivo “Demetra” Bassano del Grappa
- Cella Torre Campanaria Bene Vagienna
Collective Exhibitions:
-“Prospettive 5” Roma- Orvieto
-“26° Mostra F. P. Michetti” Francavilla a mare
-“7° Rassegna città di Varazze”
-“6° Premio Biennale del disegno” Torre Pellice
-“Piemonte Segno 74” Firenze
-“Selezione 4° rassegna S. Fedele” Milano
-“25° Mostra d’arte contemporanea” Torre Pellice
-“10° Quadriennale d’arte
- La nuova generazione” Roma
-“Per Aldo Passoni- Unione culturale” Torino
-“Maestri del ‘900
- Arteincornice” Torino |
Lessio’s work has been reviewed or has been the subject of critical interventions by:
Adelinda Allegretti
Giusè Benignetti
Giorgio Brizio
Luigi Carluccio
Francesco De Bartolomeis
Giorgio Di Genova
Paolo Levi
Pino Mantovani
Corrado Marzan
Giorgio Mascherpa
Angelo Mistrangelo
Aldo Passoni
Marisa Vescovo
Francesco Vincitorio |